Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bacon is More Played Out Than The Bomb Squad's Copy of Funky Drummer

Foodieism has taken this country by the chokehold, with a full-fledged TV network, magazines, and multitudes of blogs devoted to it.  And this culture has come to one crystal-clear conclusion: 
Bacon is tasty.  We know this is shocking news; that cured and smoked porkfat is delicious must shake you to your very core.  We remember when we were told of this we were as surprised as a coma patient waking up in the midst of a G.W. presidency.  But this is the truth -- and to embrace our inner foodie we need to incorporate bacon into as many pre-existing foods as possible.

Now, you can't just throw bacon into a chocolate bar and sell it as is.  You have to act like this is just a simply crazy combination that took a lot of imagination -- but that actually the smoky and savory aspects of bacon really complement the flavor profile of the pre-existing food.  I mean c'mon brah, its bacon! Not just to complement eggs, collards, and baked potatoes anymore, bacon is in salt, bread pudding, cupcakes, blogs, ice cream, etc.  Even if you've been using bacon in something for years under the radar, somebody is bound to publicize it so that people in Brooklyn and Portland may try it.

Yeah we get it.  Yes, adding bacon adds another flavor dimension to just about anything, but please spare us the pretension and tongue-in-cheek irony next time you baconistés add this cliched ingredient.  It's a cheap thrill, not culinary genius.  Every time we hear this spiel we are reminded of the Red Hot Chili Peppers self-congratulating (scroll up to about 5:20) about how wearing nothing but tube socks during one performance was artistic, added an element of danger, and embodied the classical symbol of phallic expression.  In fact, they are a frat-rock band and pretty much any band who unexpectedly strips down during a show will put on a more entertaining performance.  They aren't the first band to utilize such antics, and any 'chef' to rely on this overused umami crutch is about as creative as a Chinese take-out place adding MSG.

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